The Devil's Warrior Alliance

Devils Rejects 666

CorporationDevils Rejects 666Security status1
AllianceThe Devil's Warrior AllianceAvg. time in corporation2 years, 3 months, 26 days, 13 hours and 35 minutes
Date of birth 2008-12-06 19:51:00Id1700134409
u'Look for us in our public chat, The Gates Of Hell

\u201cSometimes a deal with the devil is better than no deal at all.\u201d'

Employment history

Devils Rejects 666Devils Rejects 6662017-10-05 01:012025-03-05 19:027 years, 5 months, 18 hours and 1 minute
Dissidence DawnDissidence Dawn2017-06-12 22:302017-10-05 01:013 months, 22 days, 2 hours and 31 minutes
Imperial ShipmentImperial Shipment2017-06-12 22:182017-06-12 22:3012 minutes
Devils Rejects 666Devils Rejects 6662012-05-31 02:102017-06-12 22:185 years, 12 days, 20 hours and 8 minutes
from Entropyfrom Entropy2012-04-17 00:372012-05-31 02:101 month, 14 days, 1 hour and 33 minutes
Devils Rejects 666Devils Rejects 6662009-01-04 00:052012-04-17 00:373 years, 3 months, 13 days and 32 minutes
Imperial AcademyImperial Academy2008-12-06 19:512009-01-04 00:0528 days, 4 hours and 14 minutes